Hawkwind faithfull know how hard it would be to describe the band's sound for those who have not heard the calling. I wil not even try since I assume all those reading this are already aquainted with Dave Brock and the lads.
This is a great album with, as far as I know, all original material. The disk has a somewhat lighter tone than some of Hawkwinds' other offerings. There is more of an emphasis on songs rather than the self indulgent ambience in which the boys have been known to indulge.
That having been said, the music is still recognizable as being Hawkwind. This recording reminds me a bit of Choose You Masks. Thematically, there is an definite nod to environmental protection. There is also a talented female vocalist on some tracks. If you like Hawkwind you will like Space Bandits. I cannot say more.

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