
Monday, January 28, 2013

Tangerine Dream-Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri
In a way, this album kinda gives off the impression of being on another planet. And supported by the vision of a science fiction writer about space, conceptualized by a visionary from perhaps the 1930's. The eerie effects of space ships and humming energy fields really gives off the effect of no longer being of this earth. You are mildly introduced to it by the less than five minute opening track called "Sunrise in the Third System", but you know you've really ascended into an out of body experience when you get deeply into the thirteen minute piece called "Fly and Collision of Coma Sola." For more than 30 years that I've had this album, I still never get tired of this piece. This is nothing near what you would call dance floor music. This is totally, anti-socially confined, inner-mind music.

The human brain is just like any other organ in the body. The entries of thoughts and sounds can entertain the brain, and is further enhanced by the stimulation of the heart. Music has an effective way of stimulating the mind and the soul. To truly embrace it, you will need to shut out all other intrusions of thought.

Like the other organs of the body, the brain can harden or soften, due to approval or disapproval of the entities that voluntarily or involuntarily penetrate the processing center in the mind.

Consciousness is an option to participate in the real or imagined presence of existence. If you can master the ability to leave one world, by entering yet another, will you know the meaning of true peace. This is truly, the closest you are ever going to ever meet God.

Sometimes, entering the fictitious world of alternative existence can cause mildly vibrating pulsations in the mind. Do not be alarmed. You are beneficially relieving yourself of tormenting thought toxins that are commonly recognized as routine stress. This is actually your mind sending a means of gratitude back to your heart, for sharing in its comforting euphoria of peaceful, rejuvenating, stimulating, and regulating meditation for overall peace to return to the body, as a whole.

"Alpha Centauri" was released in 1971. Only Klaus Schulze and very early Kraftwerk has introduced me to earlier episodes of spacey sound passages such as this. Tangerine Dream has been known to release over 100 albums, and is still recording today, but after 1983 (when they left the Virgin Record label) Edgar Froese, the one continuous member of Tangerine Dream, the sound of Tangerine Dream sounds like typical pop instrumentals that lost all hope that anything new and unique could ever be invented or discovered anymore.

Preferred Trendy Chemical Amusement aid for this Album:Weed, Barbituates, Alcohol 

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